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Top twelve fitness books under $35

Looking for the best fitness books and ebooks under $30? We've got just what you need! Find yoga, cardio, HIIT, strength training, and more. Each book is packed with exercises and workout routines the fitness lovers in your life are sure to love at a price that will delight your wallet.

Smarter Workouts

Smarter Workouts - The solution to efficient workout programs that use only one piece of equipment. Work out in a short period of time without spending a lot of money on expensive equipment or gym memberships. This best-selling fitness book is the go-to guide for smart, effective workouts.

Yoga Anatomy

Yoga Anatomy - With more than a million copies sold, Yoga Anatomy is an invaluable resource for yoga practitioners, enthusiasts, and instructors around the world. Expanded and updated, this third edition provides an even deeper understanding of yoga and of the structures and principles underlying each movement. This book belongs on the shelves of every single yoga lover you know!

Strength Ball Training, Third Edition

Strength Ball Training, Third Edition - Strength ball exercises are essential to developing core power, strength, balance, coordination, and stability. Strength Ball Training includes exercises plus sample programs with an array of challenges that target specific regions or enhance total-body performance.

Partner Workouts

Partner Workouts - Fun and effective exercises and workouts designed for two! Learn to tailor workouts for maximum benefits and get stronger, fitter, and healthier together.

Fusion Workouts

Fusion Workouts - This unique book teaches an approach to fitness, yoga, Pilates, and barre that offers efficient ways to gain strength, muscle definition and endurance, flexibility, and balance.

Your Workout PERFECTED

Your Workout PERFECTED - Separate fact from fiction to improve fitness, function and performance, fat loss, and physique. Comprehensive and practical, all exercises and workout programs are accompanied by step-by-step instructions, training advice, safety considerations, and variations, making this a perfect book for anyone looking to fine-tune their approach to personal fitness.

Pilates and Conditioning for Athletes

Pilates and Conditioning for Athletes - This book details an original Pilates-infused conditioning program for athletes, strength coaches, and professional trainers that taps into the seven pillars of training needed for success: agility, flexibility, mobility, power, speed, stability, and strength. Every fitness lover in your life will benefit from this innovative training method.

Complete Guide to Foam Rolling

Complete Guide to Foam Rolling - The answer to moving better, feeling better, and improving performance! Combining the latest scientific research with step-by-step instructions for 27 of the most effective foam rolling techniques for muscle preparation and recovery, these proven self-massage techniques will be a hit for any athlete ready to invest in training success.

Power Yoga

Power Yoga - In addition to physical strength, stamina, and flexibility, the dynamic movements of power yoga challenges each individual to develop focus, balance, and purpose that extends to life beyond the yoga mat. Dozens of poses and sequences are presented in full color, with adaptations to modify or intensify each pose for maximum effectiveness and safety.

The HIIT Advantage

The HIIT Advantage - The HIIT Advantage offers dozens of exercises and 19 complete workouts to help incinerate fat, shape and strengthen the lower and upper body, and build core strength. This book is a must-have for women who want results and progressively more challenging workouts.

High Intensity 300

High Intensity 300 - The perfect way to build muscle and shed fat, High-Intensity 300 features unique workouts that are not only challenging, but produce results - and can be completed in only 30 minutes. The perfect book for somebody who's ready to raise the bar for maximum performance.

Pilates Anatomy, Second Edition

Pilates Anatomy, Second Edition - The most respected and comprehensive guide to Pilates available, exercises include photo sequences, level of difficulty ratings, recommended resistance ranges, and instructions and reasons for performing the movements.